The Parish Council is not a planning authority and as such does not make final decisions on planning applications, this is the responsibility of Sheffield City Council. However the Parish Council is a statutory consultee and as such receives notification of all planning applications relating to the parish for comments. The Parish Council considers planning applications, at Parish Council meetings, under the Town and Country Planning Act and has the right to make observations on received applications. These observations are based upon such information as neighbour and community comments or concerns as well as planning, environmental and other issues which may also have a bearing on the comments made by the Parish Council. These are then forwarded to the Sheffield or Peak Park Planning Authorities for them to make the final decision.
The current planning applications can be viewed online at the Parish Council office between the hours of
9.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m or on line via the links below. The links relate to the most recent planning applications relating to the area and any comments made by the Parish Council. Please be aware that it can be some months before the Parish Council are notified about Sheffield City Council decisions.
Other items discussed by the Assets, Community and Environment Committee include notification of decisions under the Town and Country Planning Act, matters relating to other authorities and Parishioners Objections / Comments. The agenda does vary from meeting to meeting.
As Bradfield Parish Council is one of the largest by area in the whole of the country, we do receive a significant number of planning applications and therefore the full Council also receives planning applications.
ADV = Advertisement Consent Application
CHU = Change of Use Application
FUL = Full Planning Application
HPN = Householder Prior Notification
LBC = Listed Building Application
NPS = Peak District National Park Authority Application
OUT = Outline Planning Application
TCO = Tree Consent Application
TPO = Tree Protection Order
The following links will take you to the interactive web sites of the Planning Authorities, where planning applications may be viewed.
Sheffield City Council
Peak District Planning Authority
CIL is a levy allowing local authorities to raise funds from owners or developers of land undertaking new building projects in their area. CIL legislation requires 15% of CIL receipts are to be allocated to the local area it was collected from. Where there is a local Council this is passed directly to that Council. Therefore Bradfield Parish Council will receive 15% of CIL receipts generated from developments within the Bradfield Parish area. Sheffield City Council collect CIL as a Planning authority and pass on to the Parish Council. The Parish Council has set a list of spending priorities on which to expend the CIL receipts, all of which will be for community benefit. The spending priorities are as follows:-
Environmental Projects
Access Works
Road Safety Measures
Recreational Facility Improvements
CIL leglislation requires the production of an Annual Report by Councils either collecting or in receipt of CIL funding. For further information on CIL for the whole City view Sheffield City Council's website
CIL Report 2023-2024.pdf
CIL Report 2022-2023.pdf
CIL Report 2021-2022.pdf
Planning Applications
Please click on the following link to view planning applications which will be discussed at the next meeting.
Planning Applications
Council's Observations / Comments
Please click here view observations / comments made by Council and submitted to the relevant planning authority for their decision.